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Matcha Latte


Serving size: 200/300 ml
Prep time: 5 min
Cooking time: N/A

I'm a firm believer of "strawberry jam makes everything sweet taste better" so you'll find I slip that in as an optional ingredient a lot of times


Carbs (g) Proteins (g) Fats (g) Cals (kcal)


  • 100/200 ml milk
  • 100 ml brewed matcha tea
  • 50 g Ice [Optional]
  • Strawberries/Strawberry Jam [Optional]

Kitchen Items

  • Glass
  • Cocktail muddler [Optional]
  • Matcha whisk / Regular whisk
  • Small bowl


  • Bring water to a boil (use a bit of extra water to prep other tools)
  • Pour a bit of boiled water into small bowl to warm up the matcha whisk
  • Empty the small bowl
  • Scoop and sift 1 or 2 scoops of matcha powder (depending on preferred strength) into the small bowl
  • Pour in 100 mL of boiling water into small bowl and whisk until no clumps
  • Mash strawberries on the bottom of the glass (or add jam) [Optional]
  • Add ice to glass
  • Add milk
  • Slowly add matcha tea over drink
  • Stir and enjoy!


